In my Neo4j/SDN project I have a following mode:
entity that contains child Decision
and Characteristic
Each pair of child Decision
and Characteristic
can have a Value node assigned.
I have created 3 child Decision
nodes, for example
and one Characteristic
I have assigned following values to the following pairs:
childDecision2 + characterisitc1 = Value(Integer 10)
childDecision3 + characterisitc1 = Value(Integer 25)
I'm executing the following Cypher query(with ORDER BY sortValue88.value ASC
MATCH (parentD)-[:CONTAINS]->(childD:Decision)-[ru:CREATED_BY]->(u:User)
WHERE id(parentD) = {decisionId}
OPTIONAL MATCH (childD)<-[:SET_FOR]->(sortValue88:Value)-[:SET_ON]->(sortCharacteristic88:Characteristic)
WHERE id(sortCharacteristic88) = 88
WITH ru, u, childD , sortValue88
ORDER BY sortValue88.value ASC SKIP 0 LIMIT 100
RETURN ru, u, childD AS decision, [ (parentD)<-[:DEFINED_BY]-(entity)<-[:COMMENTED_ON]-(comg:CommentGroup)-[:COMMENTED_FOR]->(childD) | {entityId: id(entity), types: labels(entity), totalComments: toInt(comg.totalComments)} ] AS commentGroups, [ (parentD)<-[:DEFINED_BY]-(c1:Criterion)<-[:VOTED_ON]-(vg1:VoteGroup)-[:VOTED_FOR]->(childD) | {criterionId: id(c1), weight: vg1.avgVotesWeight, totalVotes: toInt(vg1.totalVotes)} ] AS weightedCriteria, [ (parentD)<-[:DEFINED_BY]-(ch1:Characteristic)<-[:SET_ON]-(v1:Value)-[:SET_FOR]->(childD) | {characteristicId: id(ch1), value: v1.value, valueType: ch1.valueType, visualMode: ch1.visualMode} ] AS valuedCharacteristics
As the result I have:
childDecision2 (Value = 10)
childDecision3 (Value = 25)
childDecision1 (no value provided)
So far everything works fine.
Right now I'm going to change the sort order direction from ASC
MATCH (parentD)-[:CONTAINS]->(childD:Decision)-[ru:CREATED_BY]->(u:User)
WHERE id(parentD) = {decisionId}
OPTIONAL MATCH (childD)<-[:SET_FOR]->(sortValue88:Value)-[:SET_ON]->(sortCharacteristic88:Characteristic)
WHERE id(sortCharacteristic88) = 88
WITH ru, u, childD , sortValue88
ORDER BY sortValue88.value DESC SKIP 0 LIMIT 100
RETURN ru, u, childD AS decision, [ (parentD)<-[:DEFINED_BY]-(entity)<-[:COMMENTED_ON]-(comg:CommentGroup)-[:COMMENTED_FOR]->(childD) | {entityId: id(entity), types: labels(entity), totalComments: toInt(comg.totalComments)} ] AS commentGroups, [ (parentD)<-[:DEFINED_BY]-(c1:Criterion)<-[:VOTED_ON]-(vg1:VoteGroup)-[:VOTED_FOR]->(childD) | {criterionId: id(c1), weight: vg1.avgVotesWeight, totalVotes: toInt(vg1.totalVotes)} ] AS weightedCriteria, [ (parentD)<-[:DEFINED_BY]-(ch1:Characteristic)<-[:SET_ON]-(v1:Value)-[:SET_FOR]->(childD) | {characteristicId: id(ch1), value: v1.value, valueType: ch1.valueType, visualMode: ch1.visualMode} ] AS valuedCharacteristics
As the result I have:
childDecision1 (no value provided)
childDecision3 (Value = 25)
childDecision2 (Value = 10)
Right now I don't understand why the childDecision1 hold the first place but I expect childDecision3 instead there.
Could you please help to explain/fix this behavior ?