I'm trying to define a predicate that takes 3 lists as parameters and the third list contains the indexes where the elements in the other two lists are the same.
This is my attempt at solving the problem.
sameIndex(List1, List2, List3) :- findIndex(List1,List2,0, List3).
% Helper Function
% Base cases
findIndex([Head1|Tail1], [Head2|Tail2], Count, List4):-
Head1 == Head2, append([Count], List4, FinalList), NewCount is Count+1,
findIndex(Tail1,Tail2,NewCount,FinalList); NewCount is Count+1,
findIndex(Tail1,Tail2,NewCount, List4).
Sample test case:
sameIndex([1,2,3,4], [6,2,4,4], List)
should return
List = [1,3]
My logic is : if the heads of the lists are equal then append Count (keeps track of the index we're at) to our empty List4, increment Count, and recursively call the predicate with the tails of the two lists. Otherwise, increment Count and recursively call the predicate with the tails.
I'm assuming my code has improper use of arithmetic in prolog but I just can't get it to work. Any suggestions/help is appreciated.
should then be something that gets unified to the accumulated list once you've reached the base case. The way you're doing it here, List4 is whatever you passed in initially, and then stuff gets appended to it, which is not what you want. Let alone that, even if you call it with a variable, you never attempt to unify List4 with anything. – Tasos Papastylianou