As you might see, List.pop_at/3
is itself implemented using recursion, :lists.reverse
, and head access. That said, there is no way to directly access the last element in the list.
On the other hand, if you are concern, that there can’t be more than, say, N
elements in the list, the direct pattern match is still achievable:
defmodule MatchInTheMiddle do
@n 10
Enum.each(0..@n, fn i ->
@match_clause, fn j -> {:"p#{j}", [], Elixir} end)
def match_middle(unquote(
[{:_head, [], Elixir}] ++ @match_clause ++ [{:_last, [], Elixir}])
), do: IO.inspect unquote(@match_clause)
And, yes, the graceful fallback for short and long lists:
def match_middle([]), do: []
def match_middle([_]), do: []
def match_middle([_head | tail]) do
with [_tail | middle] <- :lists.reverse(tail), do: middle
#⇒ [2,3]
This is not as elegant as you probably expected it to be, but in some cases it might be helpful, since these clauses are compiled into pattern matches and on huge amounts of data this is rather more efficient that Enum