If you're just making checks on the first and last elements of a list, you may want to use conditional statements instead of pattern matching:
let is_valid l =
let open List in
let hd' = hd l in (* Get the first element of the list *)
let tl' = rev l |> hd in (* Get the last element of the list *)
if hd' = 1 && tl' = 9 then true else false
is_valid [1;2;3;4;5;6;9] (* bool = true *)
However, if you are trying to extract that middle pattern it may be worthwhile to use pattern matching. We can do something similar to what Jeffery suggested because of the reason he pointed out (pattern matching can't match the end of a list):
let is_valid l =
let open List in
match l with
| 1 :: mid -> (* `mid` holds list without the `1` *)
(match rev mid with (* `rev_mid` holds list without the 9 but reversed *)
| 9 :: rev_mid -> Some (rev rev_mid) (* reverse to get correct order *)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None
is_valid [1;2;3;4;5;6;9] (* int list option = Some [2; 3; 4; 5; 6] *)
Then with this function, you can use it with simple pattern matching to look for the middle of valid lists:
match is_valid l with
| Some middle -> middle (* the middle of the list *)
| None -> [] (* nothing — list was invalid *)