
The settings path is Tools / Options / Environment / Fonts and Colors /Enrivonment/ Font. I'm talking about the Environment that I emphasized in bold in the settings path.

Tools / Options / Environment / Fonts and Colors / Enrivonment / Font

Notice how it doesn't tell you what the default font is; it just says Automatic. And the font size is disabled until you pick a specific font.

If I want to change the font size, it makes me pick the font first. But I have no reason to change the font, just the font size. Soo, what's the default Environment font?

It's probably the same as in Visual Studio 2015, which also hides it.

It is just a system font that other programs use as well. You'd use the Display applet in Control Panel to select it, albeit that every Windows version does it differently. We don't know your Windows version, ask at superuser.com with the title "how to change the default tooltip font and size".Hans Passant
@HansPassant, I appreciate the information, but I'm not trying to change my font settings for all of windows; just Visual Studio.toddmo
Amazing, exactly the question I typed into Google.Jerry Nixon

1 Answers


It turned out to be Leelawadee UI for Windows 10 Professional.

For other OS versions, you can put the focus on the font dropdown, and up and down arrow, or press the first letter of the font, or press Home to go back to Automatic (the first dropdown option). Thereby, you can keep your eye on the Sample window to determine the default font. If you get on a font, then hit the Home key, and the Sample doesn't change (even a little bit), that's your default font. Please leave a comment if you find one!

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