I need to make my Autohotkey scripts run at startup, so I think the best way is to save the file .exe in the startup folder, but the .exe file is saved automatically in the same folder of the source, so save the source in the startup folder could be a solution too, but it also opens the source at startup.
Now I'm using the syntax highlight plugin for autohotkey in SublimeText3, but I don't know if there are some way to save the .exe file to a different folder than the one where the source (I'm a noob in informatic).
I'd tried using SetWorkingDir in the Autohotkey script and costumizing the AutoHotkey.sublime-build file using working_dir, but I don't know how they work, so I didn't achieve the goal.
I need a way to edit .ahk with Sublimetext3, keeping my scripts in "documents" and, when I build, save the exe in another folder.