Has anyone had any success connecting to Google Cloud SQL from Wavemaker Online? I've had it confirmed through the chat that this is possible but the documentation linked didn't mention it directly.
When I try to test connection I get the error message:
Error in connecting to database. : "Connection timed out",please check server logs for more information
To connect I have done the following:
- Import > Connect to Database
- Select an external database > Other
- Import Driver > mysql-connector-java-5.1.41-bin.jar
- Database Info:
- User Name: root
- Password: {root password}
- Database Name: {database name}
- Schema Filter: {left blank}
- Advanced Settings:
- Service Name: CloudSql
- Port: 3306
- Connection URL: jdbc:mysql://{IPv4 address}
- Java Package: {Default}
- Driver Class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
- Dialect: MySql
Is there something I need to do on the Cloud SQL end? Are there some specific IP addresses to add to the Authorised Networks maybe? Any help would be greatly appreciated.