
I'm trying to connect to a production Google Cloud SQL instance from my local machine.

  • I've whitelisted my IPv4 in the Allowed Networks section.
  • I'm trying to connect to the database through it's IPv4 too.
  • My password is definitely correct.
  • I'm connecting without SSL.
  • I'm using the following mysql command from the terminal:

    mysql --host=[INSTANCE_IP] --user=root --password

However, when I run the command I get the following error:

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' (using password: YES)

Any ideas what I may be doing wrong or missing?

Configuration steps for your use case listed here. Have you tried to connect to your instance using the Cloud Shell?Yurci

1 Answers


The ERROR 1045 is a MySQL error, so the problem is not with establishing a connecting.

Are you 100% positive that your password is correct? You can use the Cloud Console to change your password and verify it is indeed what you think it is.