
How can I rename the name of the "Product Backlog Item" from the selection on TFS 2015

enter image description here

Secondly, I have added a new field in my Bug.xml, how can I set this particular field to only show when the State: field is "Done"? I have it showing now, but i need it to only be visible when the bug is marked as Done (State).

enter image description here

Thirdly, how Can i remove options from the drop down in image #1, for example Impediment & Feature specifically.

for #1 and #3 I can possibly use witadmin destroywitd / witadmin renamewitd after some researching, however I'm afraid what knock on effects it may have

You should really post two questionsGiulio Vian

1 Answers


For #1, you could use witadmin renamewitd command to achieve:

witadmin renamewitd /collection:"http://FabrikamPrime:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection" /p:"team project name" /n:"Product Backlog Item" /new:"New name"

For #2, you just add a WHENNOT rule for this custom field like this:

<FIELD name="Root Cause" refname="core.resolution" type="String">
        <ALLOWEDVALUES expanditems="true">
          <LISTITEM value="value1" />
          <LISTITEM value="value2" />
          <LISTITEM value="value3" />
        <WHENNOT field="System.State" value="Done">
          <READONLY />

Using WHENNOT rule, you won't see the RootCause dropdown list until the state changed to Done.

For #3, you should first export the Category file of your team project. Then find the Hidden Types Category, add the Impediment under the Hidden Types Category:

<CATEGORY refname="Microsoft.HiddenCategory" name="Hidden Types Category">
    <DEFAULTWORKITEMTYPE name="Code Review Request" />
    <WORKITEMTYPE name="Impediment" />