
In TFS 2015 we are using the Scrum process template. When I 'group by people' only the tasks are showing up on the board, but not the PBI's (product backlog items) or bugs.

How can I get the PBI's and Bugs that are assigned to my team to show up when I group the backlog by people? Is this possible?


2 Answers


You can't see User Story if you use "Group by: People".

But you can see bugs, you need to configure it according the picture:

enter image description here

Another option: you can install Query based boards extension, This extension allows you to visualize the result of work item queries on a board. The order by clauses of the query are respected on the board.

After installing the extension, navigate to the Work hub, and select Queries. When opening a query, a new tab called Board is available to visualize the results on a board.


Bugs could be added by default, the detail steps please follow the official tutorial-- Show bugs on backlogs and boards

However, for PBIs, you need to do it by customizing your process or team project, based on the process model you use. For details, please refer this link: Add other work item types to your backlogs or boards