I am trying to understand how to use crossfilter with dc.js. I have the following data and I would just like to start by populating a numberDisplay with the total number of objects within the data. Then secondly populating how many records there are for bills losses.
var data = [
"team": "bills",
"location": "home",
"outcome": "loss"
"team": "dolphins",
"location": "away",
"outcome": "loss"
"team": "jets",
"location": "home",
"outcome": "loss"
"team": "jets",
"location": "home",
"outcome": "win"
"team": "dolphins",
"location": "home",
"outcome": "loss"
"team": "dolphins",
"location": "away",
"outcome": "win"
"team": "dolphins",
"location": "home",
"outcome": "win"
"team": "dolphins",
"location": "away",
"outcome": "loss"
DC.JS numberDisplay takes a group but I have not been able to figure out how to simply count the number of records to start with.
var cf = crossfilter(data);
var team = cf.dimension(function(d) { return d.team })
var teams = team.group().reduceCount();
this seems to only return the value for the first key? reduceSum() and groupAll() haven't worked either.
var numberDisplayElem = dc.numberDisplay("#number-display-elem");
Basically just trying to get the total to populate the numberDisplay, and then a single numberBack of filtered values like total bills losses, etc. Having trouble getting started. TIA.