I have a hive table dynpart.
id int
name char(30)
city char(30)
thisday string
# Partition Information
# col_name data_type comment
thisday string
It is partitioned by 'thisday' whose datatype is STRING. How can I insert a single record into the table in a particular partition. I know there is load command to load an entire file data into hive table. I just want to know how an Insert statement can be written for a partitioned table. I tried to write command like below but this is taking data from another table.
insert into droplater partition(thisday='30/03/2017') select * from dynpart;
The table: Droplater has the same structure as dynpart. But the above command is to insert the data from another table. What I'd like to learn is to write a simple insert command into a partition, like: insert into tabname values(1,"abcd","efgh");
into the table.