How to load incremental data into a partitioned hive table
I have table "users" with the following columns, I have created hive partition based on created_on field
id bigint,
name string,
created_on string(yyyy-MM-dd),
updated_on string
I have created a sqoop job to import incrementally based on last modified date
sqoop job --create users -- import --connect jdbc:mysql://<ip>/product --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --username <> -P --table users --incremental lastmodified --check-column updated_on --last-value "2016-11-15"--hive-table users --hive-import --hive-partition-key created_on --hive-partition-value "2016-11-15" --m 1
If you observe the above job, this will fetch based on last modified value and insert into the wrong partition
Is there any work around for this issue