
To replace a string at specific index from

var stringArray:[String] = ["value1", "value2", "value3", "value4"]

We use

stringArray[2] = "new string"

var myNewDictArray = [Dictionary< String, String> ] ()

In my case i have

key/value pair
    ▿ (2 elements)
      - .0: "answer"
      - .1: "0"
  ▿ 1 key/value pair
    ▿ (2 elements)
      - .0: "answer"
      - .1: "0"
  ▿ 1 key/value pair
    ▿ (2 elements)
      - .0: "answer"
      - .1: "0"
  ▿ 1 key/value pair
    ▿ (2 elements)
      - .0: "answer"
      - .1: "0"
  ▿ 1 key/value pair
    ▿ (2 elements)
      - .0: "answer"
      - .1: "0"
  ▿ 1 key/value pair
    ▿ (2 elements)
      - .0: "answer"
      - .1: "0"

In my array

When i try to replace dictionary at specific index say 5, It shows up error:

Swift:: Error: contextual type '[String : String]' cannot be used with array lit eral myNewDictArray[index] = ["answer", "option3"]

Code im using is

for (index, element) in myNewDictArray.enumerated() {

    if(index==5) {

        myNewDictArray[index] = ["answer", "option3"]



I also tried

for (index, element) in myNewDictArray.enumerated() {

    if(index==5) {

        myNewDictArray[index].value(forKey:"answer") = "option3"



Then error is

Swift:: Error: value of type '[String : String]' has no member 'value' myNewDictArray[index].value(forKey:"answer") = "option3"

You may be interested in my answer to a similar question.Raphael

2 Answers


This data structure is not a dictionary. It is an array of dictionaries.

myNewDictArray[index] = ["answer", "option3"]

The above doesn't work because ["answer", "option3"] is an array literal. You are assigning an array to a dictionary. So it of course won't work.

You can make it a dictionary literal by replacing the , with a ::

myNewDictArray[index] = ["answer": "option3"]

But I suggest you to use an array of tuples to store this data:

var myTupleArray = [(String, String)]()

You probably looking for subscript with your array of dictionary.

var myNewDictArray = [[String:String]]()// OR [Dictionary< String, String>]()
//If you want to update specific key value pair
myNewDictArray[index]["answer"] = "option3"
//If you want to replace whole dictionary with new one
myNewDictArray[index] = ["answer" : "option3"]