(I hope my title is clear)
I have a MDX statement that results in:
- time (months) in the rows
- several projects in the columns
The data displayed is an amount (e.g. costs).
Now I would like to compare the project expenditure for each project and see if there are temporal differences. As such I want to get a fictive time axis (start month, month + 1, month + 2, .... month + 60) and for each relative month the expenditure for each project.
I will give a data example to illustrate (attached picture). (consider the green part as the lifetime of the project - you can assume 0 costs during the lifetime and null costs outside the lifetime):
I think I can write a rather complex MDX for this (e.g. use the current period as the start month and add 12 months to it), then for each project lookup the amount in the "current projected period" - "start date of the project". It will be a bit messy though.
Is there an easier way to do this. For example using one or more of icCube's custom Matrix/Vector functions? I would like to use the end result in a widget to graphically display the data.