I'm new to MDX world and currently enhancing ssas cube.
I’m trying to create calculated member in SSAS cube to get Annualised Revenue(SUM of revenue for last 12 complete months) for each of device(product). As a start created below MDX query, but its showing only device names, Annualised Revenue shows (null).
Any correction needed for this MDX Query? or appreciate, if someone can give me an example based on AdventureWorks cube.
Here is my MDX query:
MEMBER [Measures].[Annualised Revenue] AS
[Invoice Date].[Calendar Month].[Invoice Calendar Month]
,[Invoice Date].[Calendar Month].[All Periods]
[Invoice Date].[Calendar Month].[Invoice Calendar Month]
,[Invoice Date].[Calendar Month].[All Periods]
[Measures].[Annualised Revenue] ON 0
,[Terminal].[Terminal ID].MEMBERS ON 1
FROM [cube_txn];
Do i need to add where cluase as “where ( [Invoice Date].[Calendar Month].[Invoice Calendar Year].&[2013])”
Whenerver it runs it should pickup current month as base and calculate for last 12 months revune
I am expecting results as below(ignore jan14 & Jan15):
deviceID SumOfAnnualisedRevenue Jan14 Jan15
--------- ---------------------- ----- ------
A10001 12,4500 5000 15000
A10003 45,50000 15000 78000
A10006 78,00 12000 890
A10008 8,945 450 120