
i've installed wso2 iot server on my server running CentOS. I can acces the app with my server's ip (https://serverip:9443/carbon/) i can log as admin everything is fine but when a i want to acces device manager page (/devicemgt) i'm redirected to identity server localhost:9443/samlsso which of course doesn't exits.

I've edited the carbon.xml file with my server ip and restarted everything but it stills redirecting me to localhost.


How to resolve this ?

Moreover i've replace all occurences of "localhost:9443/samlsso" in every files without effect.


1 Answers


The problem in IdentityProvider configuration. You need to see file like identity.xml It contained something like:


And there is same questions as your: WSO2 SSO always redirects to localhost:9443/samlsso