
I'm using WSO2 identity server (on port 9443) and enterprise service bus (ESB, on port 9444). I configured ESB to use IS SSO. But everytime I try to login into ESB it redirects me to IS and there it redirects me to URL localhost:9443/samlsso.

I already tried changing this URL in identities.xml and carbon.xml without access.

Where can I configure the redirection address?

In carbon.xml I specified the hostname as "HostName" and "MgtHostName". But IS still uses localhost.


you meant the when you provide the correct user/password, it again redirect to "localhost:9443/samlsso" ? not to the ESB console?Asela
No, I have no change to enter credentials. When I try to access the server on IP:9444/carbon I shortly see a message "Loading WSO2 StratosLive..." and then the 404 not found thrown by localhost:9443/samlsso.Catscratch
Normally if you are running both servers in localhost, you do not need to change WSO2IS's config file.. it would work usually... 9443/samlsso must be, if WSO2IS has properly started.. could you see any logs in wso2carbon.log file... ? I hope you followed this docs.wso2.com/display/IS500/Enabling+SSO+for+WSO2+ServersAsela
Yeah, that's working. But I want to access the server from another client. And on this client, localhost is not right. :-)Catscratch

6 Answers


WSO2 has a script located at:


Tip: The script will find and replace the IP address given in argument1 (localhost) with the IP address given as argument2 (, in the necessary configuration files.

Check Docs to configure Hostname


Ok, I found a solution.

I did a search+replace over all XML documents inside the IS and ESB package and replaced all "localhost" by my hostname.


In the identity.xml there's a SSOService/IdentityProviderURL tag, that one seems important for SAML authentication.


carbon.xml file under /repository/conf folder.

Change <HostName>localhost</HostName> to your IP.


SSO configuration should in /repository/conf/security/authenticators.xml as follows to change the hostname of redirection url of Identity Server,

<Authenticator name="SAML2SSOAuthenticator" disabled="false">
        <Parameter name="LoginPage">/carbon/admin/login.jsp</Parameter>
        <Parameter name="ServiceProviderID">carbonServer</Parameter>
        <Parameter name="IdentityProviderSSOServiceURL">https://<HostNameOfIdentitiyServer>:9443/samlsso</Parameter>
        <Parameter name="NameIDPolicyFormat">urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified</Parameter>
        <Parameter name="AssertionConsumerServiceURL">https://<HostNameOfIdentitiyServer>:9443/acs</Parameter>

Add the URL of your VM in system32/drivers/etc/hosts and map it to localhost.

Change the hosts file and map localhost to Ip-address of your VM where WSO2 is running.