I have a pipeline flow defined as:
node("linux_label") {
def filename = "${WORKSPACE}/submoduleinfo.txt"
stage("Submodule info") {
def submoduleString = sh script: "git -C ${WORKSPACE} submodule status > ${filename}", returnStdout: true
String fileContents = new File("$filename}").text
At "new File" I will get an error saying no such file exists. after some troublehshooting I see that the hostname printout will output the jenkins master and not the node "linux_label" where the workspace resides.
Is this how Piepeline should work, i.e. all code that is not part of stage/steps/etc are executed on the jenkins master and not on the wanted node?
What would be a good workaround where I do an operation in one stage and want to operate on the file in the node {} domain?