I found a solution in the form of a global library here:
It contains calls to inner methods of Jenkins which are deprecated (I guess).
So I made my own version like this:
import hudson.FilePath
import hudson.model.ParametersAction
import hudson.model.FileParameterValue
import hudson.model.Executor
def call(String name, String fname = null) {
def paramsAction = currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(ParametersAction.class);
if (paramsAction == null) {
error "unstashParam: No file parameter named '${name}'"
for (param in paramsAction.getParameters()) {
if (param.getName().equals(name)) {
if (! param instanceof FileParameterValue) {
error "unstashParam: not a file parameter: ${name}"
if (env['NODE_NAME'] == null) {
error "unstashParam: no node in current context"
if (env['WORKSPACE'] == null) {
error "unstashParam: no workspace in current context"
workspace = new FilePath(getComputer(env['NODE_NAME']), env['WORKSPACE'])
filename = fname == null ? param.getOriginalFileName() : fname
file = workspace.child(filename)
return filename;
def getComputer(name){
for(computer in Jenkins.getInstance().getComputers()){
if(computer.getDisplayName() == name){
return computer.getChannel()
error "Cannot find computer for file parameter workaround"
You can insert it in a global library and then use it like:
library "file-workaround"
node {
def file_in_workspace = unstashParam "myFile"
sh "cat ${file_in_workspace}"
It's not pretty but it's working and as long as there is no official fix, it's my best shot.
Turns out you might run into "No such file or directory". That's because nothing in the workaround triggers Jenkins to create the workspace directory. If that was triggered somewhere else in the pipeline good, otherwise you'll be scratching your head.
You might wanna throw a
touch "thisIsAFile"
in there