I have some doubts regarding 3D image registration and segmentation:
Load dicom images: In DCE-MRI there are 4000 slices and total 100 stacks, so 40 in each stack. How can I load them to a 4D array using GDCM simpleITK function
Registration: registration is pretty straight forward, we have to register all 100 stacks to the first stack.
Registration accuracy : SimpleITK overlap ratio measure or hausdroff distance need segmentation and labelling. Now segmentation using region growing or thresholding is not easy for all kind of images. Let suppose I just want to select a region manually , interactively. Is it possible to achieve that ? Then I just want to use that selected mask for registration accuracy evaluation.
Visualization and write : need to visualize in 3D using matplotlib or VTK. All plot functions are working for 2d slice, again visualizing in 2D is not desired. While writing to a dicom image using simpleITK write Image function, for dicom image just writing the image object is not working. We need to change type to UInt32 , but then the image becomes lossy. It successfully writes to a .mha format, but imageJ fails to display.
If possible please share your thoughts.