
I have a custom data type Flist containing functions. In the next step I would like to use the Flist myFunctions in apply.

Note: This is an exercise, so I have to use a custom list

data Flist a = Nil | Cons (a -> a) (Flist a)

myFunctions :: Flist (Integer -> Integer)
myFunctions = (Cons (\y x -> x + 1) ( Cons (\x w -> w + 1) (Nil)))

apply :: Flist (a -> a) -> b -> b
apply Nil b         = b
apply (f `Cons` xs) b = apply xs (f b)

The call should look like that: apply myFunctions 1 returns 3

I get the error:

  • No instance for (Num (Integer -> Integer)) arising from the literal `2' (maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?)
    • In the second argument of 'apply', namely '2' In the expression: apply myFunctions 2 In an equation for 'it': it = apply myFunctions 2

Question: I do not see my mistake. Why should I have applied not enough arguments to the function? I pass a Flist with functions that get an Int and return an Int. Additionally another Int is passed and that should be it. What is still missing here?

Unless this is an exercise, normals lists can hold functions.Carcigenicate
@Carcigenicate yes, I have to use my custom listjublikon
Hint: if Flist a contains a -> a functions, what does Flist (x->y) contain? Regardless... you shouldn't have run into the error you quote, you should have earlier run into a clearer to understand error when compiling apply. Let me guess: you didn't compile it with the type signature? Bad idea...leftaroundabout

1 Answers


There are several issues with your code.

You have

data Flist a = Nil | Cons (a -> a) (Flist a)
--         ^               ^^^^^^

So if you have a function f :: Integer -> Integer, then Cons f Nil has type Flist Integer, not Flist (Integer -> Integer).

In fact, a Flist (Integer -> Integer) would be a list of functions of type (Integer -> Integer) -> (Integer -> Integer).

That means myFunctions :: Flist (Integer -> Integer) has the wrong type. If you fix that, you'll discover that the code for it isn't quite right either.

Then there's apply :: Flist (a -> a) -> b -> b. This is another instance of the above problem (one layer of "function-ness" too many). Changing that to apply :: Flist a -> b -> b reveals another problem: You do (f b) where f :: a -> a and b :: b. But a and b are different type variables and (at least potentially) different. To allow this function application, it would have to be apply :: Flist a -> a -> a.