I currently have an azure webjob that performs a daily sync from one database to another, but would like to add the ability to manually trigger the sync as well. I have set up the functions as follows in the webjob project:
public static void SyncData([TimerTrigger("0 0 5 * * *", RunOnStartup = false)] TimerInfo timerInfo) { }
public static Task SyncAll(TraceWriter log){ }
public static Task SyncBranches(TraceWriter log){ }
public static Task SyncCustomers(TraceWriter log){ }
public static Task SyncInventory(TraceWriter log){ }
I can see the functions in the Kudu dashboard under the webjob, but am not sure how I can trigger the functions with an http request as listed on the MS documentation (here):
When I make a request to that endpoint I get a 404 response - what do I need to do in order to trigger those functions manually via http request?
Thanks, Ryan