** Problem Background **
As we know, Azure WebJob SDK, has no way of defining a retention policy for logs. That means the execution or dashboard Blob storage can grow and impose problems including slowing down or crash the kudu Dashboard – which could compromise the stability of the other apps in the App Service plan.
The problem stated here:
My web job functions are extensively logging and they are running more than 100,000 times a day. That means I have a huge amount of log files piled up in my storage.
** The Workaround approach that I am planning: **
I am planning to add a time trigger Functions to my WebJob code that purges log entries older than 30 days.
We have the following blob containers created or used by the WebJobs SDK:
1.Storage Connection: AzureWebJobsDashboard
1.1. azure-webjobs-dashboard
1.2. azure-jobs-host-archive
1.3. Duplicates with AzureWebJobsStorage
1.3.1 azure-jobs-host-output
1.3.2 azure-webjobs-host
2.Storage AzureWebJobsStorage
2.1. azure-jobs-host-output
2.2. azure-webjobs-host
2.2.1 Heartbeats
2.2.2 Ids
2.2.3 Output-logs
I am thinking to create a process that deletes every file older than 30 days from above containers. But I am concern that some of the blobs might be required by the running WebJobs.
** Question **
Which of the above blob containers do I need to purge, to prevent blob file pile-up problem without interfering running WebJobs ?