
Fresh install of a Debian server. Apache2, PHP5.

When I try to browse a PHP file I get 403 Forbidden. I am able to browse to html files.

I have tried the following:

  • Reinstalled Apache, PHP, libapache2-mod-php5
  • Restarted Apache
  • Checked the conf file thoroughly, copied from default, set the correct Directory path and allow from all
  • Checked permissions of directory, as a test have given full 777 permission to /var/www/site - still forbidden

Cant think of what else to try ?

you have set 755 for the php file?nonopolarity
ive also tried chown the directory www-data:www-dataTim
for the file not for the directorynonopolarity
apache user is www-data and it owns the directoryTim
@shakti: 777 doesn't work already. why would u want to test using lower permission levels?bcosca

2 Answers


Perform chmod 755 of the directory in which the PHP scripts reside.

After that restart the Apache/nginx server


if above method not work then contact your hosting provider to whitelist that url to phpscript because it can be issue with mod_security. Its the most annoying thing hostgator user are facing.


Check if the alow/deny pattern in your http.conf is set correctly. What's written to the apache error log?