
I am trying to setup the AppDynamics java agent. I am facing issues in loading java agent in the JVM.

I try to add the below argument to the start.bat jvm options. -javaagent:C:\javaagent.jar

However, the aem do not start after this.

I have kept AppMachineAgent folder in the same drive as the AEM installation. However, javaagent.jar is not kept in the bin folder of the AEM. Do I need to keep it in the bin folder?

Any suggested steps I am missing?

Java jar location doesn't matter. You need to check 2 things: jar is from the right platform (windows 32/64 and matches jvm) and files have correct permission. Also can you paste error from error logs to see where AEM is stuck in starting up?Imran Saeed
Once AEM is started, agent starts successfully and logs the message that Started AppDynamics Java Agent successfully. However, it throws the below error in the startup console subsequently. Event Dispatcher: Error during dispatch. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.Anubhav Sharma
Can you provide full stack trace?Imran Saeed

1 Answers


Try adding the line below in the crx-quickstart/conf/sling.properties:

org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=com.singularity.*,com.yourkit.*, ${org.apache.sling.launcher.bootdelegation}