
I've been trying to get AEM 6.0 SP1 to connect to a remote SolR server for quite a while and I'm at a point where I think that Adobe's own documentation is lacking a specific step somewhere.


I configured everything following the steps at: Configuring AEM with a single remote SOLR server

But 1st issue I had was that when starting the 1st shard, Zookeep kept saying it couldn't find the solr//zoo.cfg.
So I created the solr folder within node1 and copied the solr.xml and zoo.cfg into it.

starting with java -Xmx2g -Dbootstrap_confdir=".\cfg\oak\conf" -Dcollection.configName=myconf -DzkRun -DnumShards=2 -jar start.jar

seems to start the shard correctly now with this, but there's no OAK core, even though they say to copy the zookeeper and solrconfig into the cfg folder.

in the cfg, I unpacked the content of recommended-conf.zip

I followed their steps completely, and AEM still can't connect to the SolR instance, it returns an error about getting HTML instead of octet/stream. (and obviously, there's no OAK core)

what am I missing here? This is on a windows environment.


1 Answers


Have you configured the "Solr HTTP URL" and "ZooKeeper host" fields in the "Oak Solr remote server configuration" at http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr ?

We set the

Solr HTTP URL to http://localhost:8983/solr/

and the ZooKeeper host to http://localhost:9983