Hi so here is the situation. I am building a tictactoe game with react and I have 3 components 1. GameParent 2. board 3. gameControls
I have a function inside GameParent component has two state properties called AI and Game which are objects. I pass these objects down as a prop to the board component. It also has a function called startGame()
startGame() {
let newAI = new AI(this.state.AIIdentity);
let newGame = new Game(newAI,this.state.AIIdentity);
start: true,
AI: newAI,
Game: newGame,
When this.state.Game.start() is called there is a property called status inside the Game object that should be changed to "running"
I pass the startGame() function down to my gameControls component and I attach it to my start button onClick handler.
My board component handles the clicks on the squares of the board but it only registers clicks if the Game.status === "running" but I keep getting the object with a status === "beginning".
So when I added these 4 console.logs, when I print out only this, I see that the Game object's status is "beginning" however when I console.log this.state and this.state.Game, the status is set to "running"!
I am so confused why this is happening... I'm guess it's the way React update it's child but I haven't found an explanation from reading how render() and setState() works. Or maybe I'm not completely understanding how "this" is affect when I pass down functions and objects to child components.
If you guys want to see the full code, here is the link http://codepen.io/comc49/pen/WRqBXr?editors=0110