
I want to create custom control which contains other custom controls and use ngModel that connects all of them. Like :

PersonSearchComponent :

  • DeveloperSearchControl
    • Name - some string input
    • Surname
    • ProffesionSelect - custom control expecting ProffesionModel
  • BuildingSearchControl
    • Some custom controls here
  • CountryCustomControl - custom control expecting CountryModel

  • PersonListComponent : -imported data about items from PersonSearchComponent by some service

  • SomeOtherSearchComponent
    • DeveloperSearchControl - reusable

So for now I have working version, but I think i have made something bad (maybe I should use FormBuilder):

PersonSearch Template :

            <developer-search-control [(ngModel)]="searchModel.developerSearchModel"></developer-search-control>
            <building-search-control [(ngModel)]="searchModel.buildingSearchModel"></building-search-control>
            <country-select [(ngModel)]="searchModel.countryModel"><country-select>

ParentSearch component

export class PersonSearch {
  @Output() searchDataEmitter= new EventEmitter();//Exports data to above component which contains this, and listComponent
searchModel : PersonSearchModel : new PersonSearchModel();

        //gets data from service with searchModel and searchDataEmitter transpors it to above component

Models : PersonSearchModel :

developerSearchModel : DeveloperSearchModel = new DeveloperSearchModel();
buildingSearchModel: BuildingSearchModel = new BuildingSearchModel();
countryModel : CountryModel;

DeveloperSearchModel :

name : string
surname : string
proffesion : ProfessionModel

Template developerSearchControl.component.html:

<div *ngIf="value">//This is the problem
     <input [(ngModel)]="value.name"></input>
     <input [(ngModel)]="value.surname"></input>
     <profesion-select [(ngModel)]="value.ProffesionSelect">


  selector: 'developer-search-control',
  templateUrl: './developerSearchControl.component.html',
  providers: [{
    provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    useExisting: forwardRef(() => DeveloperSearchControlComponent),
    multi: true,

export class DeveloperSearchControlComponent extends ElementBase<DeveloperSearchModel > {
  protected model: NgModel;

    @Optional() @Inject(NG_VALIDATORS) validators: Array<any>,
    @Optional() @Inject(NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS) asyncValidators: Array<any>,
  ) {
    super(validators, asyncValidators);


    selector: 'profesion-select',
    template: `
        <label *ngIf="label">{{label}}</label>
        providers: [{
        provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
        useExisting: ProfessionComponent,
        multi: true,

export class ProfessionComponent extends ElementBase<string> implements OnInit {
    private data: ProfessionModel[];
    private label: string = 'proffesion :';
    private placeholder: string = 'Select profession';
    @ViewChild(NgModel) model: NgModel;

    constructor(private proffesionService: ProfessionDataService,
        @Optional() @Inject(NG_VALIDATORS) validators: Array<any>,
        @Optional() @Inject(NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS) asyncValidators: Array<any>,
    ) {
        super(validators, asyncValidators);

    ngOnInit() {
            data => {
                this.data = data;

ElementBase is a generic ControlValueAccessor with validation from : http://blog.rangle.io/angular-2-ngmodel-and-custom-form-components/

So my problem is that when I create the template for children (developerSearch, buildingSearch) the value passed with ngModel is not initialized for them and i get :

EXCEPTION: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Error in ./DeveloperSearchControlComponent class DeveloperSearchControlComponent - inline template:2:33 caused by: Cannot read property 'name' of null
Error: Error in ./DeveloperSearchControlComponent class DeveloperSearchControlComponent - inline template:2:33 caused by: Cannot read property 'name' of null

Because the value from ngModel is null at start. So I have to use *ngFor="value" in templates of child components which looks bad. Is there any solution to initialize the object before template verification? or Im doing this very wrong?

did you try the elvis operator everywhere you use value ? something like <input [(ngModel)]="value?.name"></input>. At least, that will suppress the exception.mickdev
@mickdev Safe navigation operator cannot be used in [(ngModel)] ;)AJT82
@AJT_82 I never tried it but in my mind it was possible. I don't see why not ...mickdev
@mickdev It throws an exception as AJT_82 said. Already tried it :) but it still wouldn't look super nice in code.Mopa
@AJT_82 because you can't assign to something that contains ?. You need to split it to [ngModel]="foo?.bar" (ngModelChange)="foo && foo.bar = $event"Günter Zöchbauer

1 Answers


There's a way to use two-way binding with safe-navigation operator:

<input [ngModel]="value?.name" (ngModelChange)="value?.name ? value.name = $event : null"> 

Props to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/36016472/5706293