I'm working in an application that interact with Word. We import documents in our database then allow the user to modify those documents using Microsoft Word via NetOffice.WordApi.
We are having some issues when the document is marked as read-only, everytime is opened, we get a 'Save As' word dialog that gives you the option of creating a temporal copy of the document to allow you to make changes in the document.
My question is as follow: How can remove the read-only word mark of the document and re-save the document without the mark? I can remove the option manually from word following the instructions in the link below, but I want to automatise that process by code.
The author would like you to open this as read-only
** PLEASE BEFORE ANSWER NOTICE THE FOLLOWING: It's not the read-only property in the file at windows level, it's not an issue with the windows permision attibute. The file attributes are NOT Read-only the property is inside the word document. So changing the windows file permision attributes by code doesn't work, actually the files are not read-only when you check the file properties in windows, it's a word attribute which means the author marked the document as read-only when he saved it and will stop you to modify the file using word (file can be changed using a different software, it just read-only for word). Please don't sent me links about how to change permissions in windows at that's not the case, check the link for more info. **
Many thanks for your time.