
I my Java EE application I have articles administration. There is url like http://localhost:8080/articles/detail.xhtml?article=70 where article means id of article. This page displays article comments etc. it is not important. But there is button Edit and I would like to redirect on page edit.xhtml but user should still see http://localhost:8080/articles/detail.xhtml?article=70 because I don't want the edit page to be bookmarkable.

Can you help me how to set up faces-config to change page but not url? I thought that if I don't write <redirect /> then url would stay same but I was wrong. Url changes from detail.xhtml?article=70 to detail.xhtml

Thanks for any advise.


1 Answers


I'd suggest to bring in some ajaxical powers so that no synchronous request is fired.

<h:panelGroup id="article" layout="block">
    <h:panelGroup rendered="#{!bean.editmode}">
        View article (can if necessary be an ui:include)
            <h:commandButton value="Edit" action="#{bean.edit}">
                <f:ajax render=":article" />
    <h:panelGroup rendered="#{bean.editmode}">
        Edit article (can if necessary be an ui:include)
            <h:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.save}">
                 <f:ajax render=":article" />


private boolean editmode;

public void edit() {
    this.editmode = true;

public void save() {
    this.editmode = false;

public boolean isEditmode() {
    return editmode;