I have a TIVA tm4c123G I have been trying to create a communication between it and my ADXL345 sensor using I2C protocol which I succeeded in writing and reading from the accelerometer the readings of the device address and the register values that I just wrote to which means everything is running fine. However I have tried this in step by step debugging in keil and it works fine but if I run the program it will give zeroes all the way and I have no idea why? Should I add delays between the write and read from registers or whats going wrong in my code?
Here is my code attached
I am using a clock of 80 MHZ for the system and I think this might be the problem however as the code goes too fast to the execution of a next send and there should be some delay? I am not sure I'm only guessing please help thanks !
also my connection for the adxl is
- Vcc -> 3.3 volts
- GND -> ground
- CS -> 3.3 volts
- SDO -> ground
- SDA -> PB3
- SCL -> PB2
#include "tm4c123gh6pm.h"
#include "stdint.h"
void EnableI2CModule0(void);
uint8_t ReadRegister(uint8_t RegisterAddress);
void PLL_Init(void);
void WriteRegister(uint8_t RegisterAddress,uint8_t Data);
volatile uint8_t X_Axis1,X_Axis2,Y_Axis1,Y_Axis2,Z_Axis1,Z_Axis2=0;
int main()
volatile long temp;
void PLL_Init(void){
// 0) Use RCC2
SYSCTL_RCC2_R |= 0x80000000; // USERCC2
// 1) bypass PLL while initializing
SYSCTL_RCC2_R |= 0x00000800; // BYPASS2, PLL bypass
// 2) select the crystal value and oscillator source
SYSCTL_RCC_R = (SYSCTL_RCC_R &~0x000007C0) // clear XTAL field, bits 10-6
+ 0x00000540; // 10101, configure for 16 MHz crystal
SYSCTL_RCC2_R &= ~0x00000070; // configure for main oscillator source
// 3) activate PLL by clearing PWRDN
SYSCTL_RCC2_R &= ~0x00002000;
// 4) set the desired system divider
SYSCTL_RCC2_R |= 0x40000000; // use 400 MHz PLL
SYSCTL_RCC2_R = (SYSCTL_RCC2_R&~ 0x1FC00000) // clear system clock divider
+ (4<<22); // configure for 80 MHz clock
// 5) wait for the PLL to lock by polling PLLLRIS
while((SYSCTL_RIS_R&0x00000040)==0){}; // wait for PLLRIS bit
// 6) enable use of PLL by clearing BYPASS
SYSCTL_RCC2_R &= ~0x00000800;
void EnableI2CModule0(void)
volatile int Delay=0;
SYSCTL_RCGCI2C_R|=0x00000001; //set i2c module 0 clock active
Delay=SYSCTL_RCGCI2C_R; //delay allow clock to stabilize
SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R |=0x00000002; //i2c module 0 is portB so activate clock for port B
Delay = SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R; //delay allow clock to stabilize
GPIO_PORTB_AFSEL_R|= 0x0000000C; //enable alternate functions for PB2 and PB3
GPIO_PORTB_ODR_R |= 0x00000008; //set PB3 (I2C SDA) for open drain
GPIO_PORTB_DEN_R |= 0xFF; //Enable digital on Port B
I2C0_PP_R |= 0x01;
I2C0_MTPR_R |= 0x00000027; //set SCL clock
I2C0_MCR_R |= 0x00000010; //intialize mcr rigester with that value given in datasheet
uint8_t ReadRegister(uint8_t RegisterAddress)
volatile uint8_t result=0;
I2C0_MSA_R = 0x000000A6; //write operation
I2C0_MDR_R = RegisterAddress; //place data to send mdr register
I2C0_MCS_R = 0x00000007; //stop start run
while((I2C0_MCS_R &= 0x00000040)==1); //poll busy bit
I2C0_MSA_R = 0x000000A7; // read operation
I2C0_MCS_R = 0x00000007; // stop start run
while((I2C0_MCS_R &= 0x00000040)==1); //poll busy bit
result = I2C0_MDR_R;
return result;
void WriteRegister(uint8_t RegisterAddress,uint8_t Data)
I2C0_MSA_R = 0x000000A6; //write operation
I2C0_MDR_R = RegisterAddress; //place register address to set in mdr register
I2C0_MCS_R = 0x00000003; //burst send ( multiple bytes send )
while((I2C0_MCS_R &= 0x00000040)==1); //poll busy bit
I2C0_MDR_R = Data; //place data to be sent in mdr register
I2C0_MCS_R = 0x00000005; // transmit followed by stop state
while((I2C0_MCS_R &= 0x00000040)==1); //poll busy bit
you haveI2C0_MTPR_R |= 0x00000027; //set SCL clock
; that should surely beI2C0_MTPR_R = 0x00000027; //set SCL clock
(i.e. you set it to 39 not mask it with 39)? The reset value for this register is 0x01, so you happen to be setting t to 39 in any case. Since it is an arithmetic integer value rather than a bit field I'd use decimal rather then hex also. – Clifford