Asking as a relative newbie to repo terminology and semantics: I have a gradle project that builds a Spring-Boot jar file, and then runs an InstallAnywhere project file to package the jar as an installer for a Windows service. I need to publish the executable installer as a SNAPSHOT. I am using the gradle artifactory plugin (not the artifactory-publish plugin, only because I'm following the example of sister project).
The artifact is being published to the Maven snapshot repo, but the "-SNAPSHOT" placeholder is not being replaced by a timestamp. When I add the original Jar file to the artifacts to publish, the Jar file gets a timestamp added, but the .exe still does not. Relevant gradle code follows, and project version is set to "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" in, along with other shown artifactory configuration properties:
task buildInstaller {
inputs.files cleanJarName.outputs
outputs.file installerFile
doLast {
project.exec {
workingDir 'InstallKit'
commandLine "${System.env.INSTALLANYWHERE_HOME}\\build.exe", 'MyInstallAnywhereProject.iap_xml', '-nupd'
artifactoryPublish {
dependsOn buildInstaller
configurations {
artifacts {
published installerFile
artifactory {
contextUrl = project.artifactoryContextUrl
publish {
repository {
repoKey = project.artifactoryPublishRepo
username = project.artifactoryUser
password = project.artifactoryPassword
defaults {
publishBuildInfo = true
publishArtifacts = true
publishPom = true
publishIvy = true
resolve {
repository {
repoKey = project.artifactoryResolveRepo
username = project.artifactoryUser
password = project.artifactoryPassword
So why won't Artifactory properly snapshot an .exe? We were going to see if it was a limitation of Maven repos only handling Java-related types (jar, war, ear, etc.). So we looked at creating another Artifactory repo for binary snapshots using the generic(?) repo type, but the configuration screens do not offer the snapshot options present in the Maven repo configuration.