
i would like to create a large bitmap or png-file using Microsoft XNA and C# in visual Studio. I have the normal Game1-Class with a spritebatch to draw on the screen. I am completely new and a noob in XNA. Everything works great when i want to display it in the game. But i need the option to export to any image-type like bmp or png. Now i have a problem, i want to create a bitmap-file which contains 100x100 tiles which have 64x64 pixels. I know, this is very large but i don`t care with my powerful PC. But i have two problems:

the first is that Microsoft XNA doesn't seem to support such large files the second problem: my code doesn't even work with very small tiles.

I really need some possibility to draw that large files at once. There are also lines from other methods which i want to draw in the future and those lines connect sereral blocks

EDIT: Is there a way to draw a texture2d into a System.Drawing.Bitmap? Creating a System.Drawing.Bitmap works with that size... Now i just have to fill my Tiles in!

EDIT 2: Maybe my language was a bit confusing. All i'd like to do is saving an existing level as a large bitmap or other image-format. For example for printing or putting it for a download that people have a map of the built level.

Here is my code (with a few added comments):

//Idea: creating another spritebatch
SpriteBatch spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(Game1.graphics.GraphicsDevice);
//typical try and catch
    //The level is 100x100
    for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < 100; y++)
            //this is just a test to check if my map contains a tile at this place
            if (this.blockContent[y, x].Foreground.Number != 65535)
                //the tileSetBlock is a large tileset containing many recktangles for the single tiles
                //tileSheetBlock is the big sprite with the tiles
                //load the recktangle from the tileSetBlock depending on the block number at x/y
                bounds = Game1.tileSetBlock[(int)this.blockContent[y, x].Foreground.Number];
                //my idea: draw the sprite to the bitmap-file
                spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.tileSheetBlock, new Vector2((y * 64), (x * 64)), bounds, Color.White);
    //here i wanted to create the texture
    Texture2D destination = new Texture2D(Game1.graphics.GraphicsDevice, 6400, 6400);
    //here i wanted to draw the content into my texture
    spriteBatch.Draw(destination, new Rectangle(0, 0, 6400, 6400), Color.White);
    //here i just wanted to save everything
    destination.SaveAsPng(new System.IO.FileStream(@"C:\test.png", System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew), 6400, 6400);

Maybe there is some framework or anything else which could help? Its no problem to keep large images in the memory, if this is the only way.

That is a very large graphic; even so, what errors are you getting?BradleyDotNET
by creating the bitmap it said its too large. So i think i will need an additional package. And with a smaller image it simply does not work. I think i misunderstood how to use a spritebatch... I would expec something like an object where i can draw the tiles and save it as an image. I didn't find any possibilityuser4823001
My understanding is that bitmaps larger than your video screen are always an iffy proposition.Loren Pechtel
but how can i draw them anyways? are there any other metods? Maybe i cannot use the XNA, but another framework to draw themuser4823001

2 Answers


You never render a level by generating a whole bitmap out of it, it is inefficient and does not make sense at all.

Instead you use tile-based rendering and render only what's currently visible on the screen.

See my previous answer on GameDev on how to do that easily:


enter image description here

Another tool I wrote a while ago that might be helpful to you, it decomposes a level bitmap to tiles:



enter image description here


enter image description here

And you most certainly want to generate your levels using a proper editor such as Tiled.


It is old question but what you need for saving generated texture is RenderTarget which lets you draw over other stuff than your screen.

Currently what you do is:

  1. Draw Game1.tileSheetBlock into graphic Device
spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.tileSheetBlock, new Vector2((y * 64), (x * 64)), bounds, Color.White);
  1. You create new empty texture draw it and save that empty texture...
Texture2D destination = new Texture2D(Game1.graphics.GraphicsDevice, 6400, 6400);
            //here i wanted to draw the content into my texture
            spriteBatch.Draw(destination, new Rectangle(0, 0, 6400, 6400), Color.White);
            //here i just wanted to save everything
            destination.SaveAsPng(new System.IO.FileStream(@"C:\test.png",

 System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew), 6400, 6400);

What you need is:

  1. Create RenderTarget with desired dimensions
RenderTarget2D renderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(Game1.graphics.GraphicsDevice, 6400, 6400);
  1. Set it as preferred output of your spritebatches
  1. Draw!
spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.tileSheetBlock, new Vector2((y * 64), (x * 64)), bounds, Color.White);
  1. Reset render target so you can draw at screen again :)

As RenderTarget is Texture2D you can do all stuff related to texture with it too (like saving and so on) :)