I have a SQL Server Report Builder tablix report that evaluates sales activity over time.
Rows by company, columns are grouped by date. Something like this:
2015 2016 2017
Company1 10 12 1
Company2 6 5 0
Company3 8 10 7
(The report also expands columns into months)
I would like to add a column, or color a background, calculated based on the average of each year's totals. For example, Company1 averages 7.6/year if I include 2017. I would like to be able to say that 2015 was 131% of average, 2016 was 157% of average, and 2017 is 13% of average. Bonus points if I can exclude the current year from the average.
The result might look something like this:
2015 2016 2017
Company1 10 (131%) 12 (157%) 1 (7.6%)
Company2 6 (%%) 5 (%%) 0 (%%)
Company3 8 (%%) 10 (%%) 7 (%%)
Since the source data has one sale per row, and the tablix is what's creating the grouped count by date, I can't seem to just run an average, which just gives me "1", due to the fact that I'm counting on a count column. The source data looks something like this:
CompanyName Date SalesRep Amt Count
Company1, 1/1/2015, salesrepname, 50000, 1
Company1, 2/1/2015, salesrepname, 20000, 1
Company1, 3/1/2015, salesrepname, 50000, 1
Company1, 4/1/2015, salesrepname, 10000, 1
Company1, 5/1/2015, salesrepname, 5000, 1
How do I go about getting the average of each year?