
Please can any one can help me? This is my question:

In my report I have:

Chart 1: in the axis I have 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

The expression value is:

=Sum(fields!ao_amountparticipationValue.Value)*100/Sum(Fields!ao_amountparticipationValue.Value, "Chart1_CategoryGroup")

Now my problem is; in Chart 2 I want to have value WITH scrolling 2 years like this:

In one X label i want to have this:

2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018

And the value should be the average of two years.

Thank you

Can you return the begin year and end year in your data and group by both columns in chart 2?Ross Bush

2 Answers


You can use custom code to create the average of each couple of years

Dim oldvalue As decimal

Public Function GetAverage(v AS decimal) As decimal

Dim avgvalue As decimal

If  oldvalue = Nothing Then
     avgvalue = 0
    avgvalue = (v + oldvalue)/2
End If

oldvalue = v

Return avgvalue

End Function

Your value expression should call the custom code with an expression

=Code.GetAverage( SUM(Fields!val.Value))

For the label of years couple you can use an expression like below

= Iif(Fields!year.Value = 2012,Nothing, Cstr(Fields!year.Value-1) + "-" + Cstr(Fields!year.Value))

Notice that because there is no average for year 2012 you should check if it matches the first year and set label to nothing

enter image description here

enter image description here


I don't want to use a code, i juste want the expression to find the value corresponding to ; this is the table Table

I want to notice too that 2012 isn't a start year, it may be years before, so it should be a standard expression

Thanks you again