I've been trying to generate a point cloud from a pair of rectified stereo images. I first obtained the disparity map using opencv's sgbm implementation. I then converted it to a point cloud using the following code,
[for (int u=0; u < left.rows; ++u)
for (int v=0; v < left.cols; ++v)
pcl::PointXYZRGB p;
p.x = v;
p.y = u;
p.z = (left_focalLength * baseLine * 0.01/ disp.at<int>(u,v));
std::cout << p.z << std::endl;
cv::Vec3b bgr(left.at<cv::Vec3b>(u,v));
p.b = bgr\[0\];
p.g = bgr\[1\];
p.r = bgr\[2\];
left is the left image, disp is the output disparity image in cv_16s. Is my disparity to pcl conversion correct or is it a problem with the disparity values?
I've included a screenshot of the disparity map, point cloud and original left image.
Thank you!