
When I'm trying to test my android application on my android phone I get an error saying:

The APK file /Users/..../app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk does not exist on disk.
Error while Installing APK

Also my Event logs are:

3:21:33 AM Gradle build finished in 57s 37ms
3:21:33 AM Session 'app': Error Installing APK

But I can clearly see the file /Users/..../app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk after run and also my device is successfully connected in usb debugging mode on.

I'm using android studio 2.2

I have tried The APK file does not exist on disk all these methods too but it doesn't help me out in my case. Also if I choose installDebug in Gradle properties (:app-->install-->installDebug) while running then app automatically get installed on my device, in that case my Event logs are:

3:25:02 AM Executing tasks: [installDebug]
3:25:12 AM Gradle build finished in 10s 70ms

Desperately looking for help, thanks.

Solved the problem, by removing special character in my app-debug.apk file pathJitendra Gadhwal

1 Answers


I personally am not familiar with Android Studio, but did you try refreshing the page and trying to build the APK again? You could also maybe double-check if the file saved to a different folder.