
I recently updated my android studio and have started getting this error:

The APK file \app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk does not exist on disk. Error while Installing APK

This is quite frustrating as I have tried everything I have come across online and nothing has worked.

As far as I'm aware the path to the app-debug.apk is correct and it does exist. If anyone has some insight please help!


  1. Running it in release mode does work. ~Thanks to Umer Farooq
  2. Running it with a custom build variant also works and gives a little more freedom than just release mode. ~Thanks to Prashant Shable

These fixes are nice to get your current project running, but doesn't fix the original problem. Give these a try if nothing else works for you and you are sick of seeing the error. :)


I'd love to say it was complicated, but it really wasn't. I had a ' (special character) in my Users folder name. Apparently this was causing the problem. This was pointed out in the comments of the Answer by Umer Farooq.

Final Remarks

I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the help. I think all these answers will make a nice reference for future AS users with this problem.

click Build-->Build apk, it will show a popup on left when build get ready with link to apkBills
@Bills No luck on that either.WDude
Add Gradle Console and event log in questionBills
Have you try unplug the device?ישו אוהב אותך
I couldn't find any problem but found APK(s) generated successfully. Show in Explorer click on Show in ExplorerBills

3 Answers


Build it in a release mode to get your apk file ...


Manually Delete apk folder from the Project Directory then clean and rebuild project in android studio

Project folder ---> build---->outputs--->apk (delete the folder)

Clean and rebuild in AndroidStudio


Click the button marked in red color.

enter image description here

refer this