I have seen this question answered a few times for older versions of CRM but none of the solutions mentioned worked for me. Most answers specify giving read permissions to the Security Role on the Campaign and Sales Entities. The implementation I am working on doesn't use either but I tried anyway. Another suggestion was clearing cache. Neither of these worked and I still get the error.
I verified all roles in the system have read access to all Campaign and Sales entities. I also verified their permissions for the Case entity under Services. It must have something to do with the case because I do not get this error on other entities/forms.
Any other ideas on what could lead to this error?
Error Message when loading the Case form
EDIT: I spent hours going through all of the field relationships (N:1, 1:N and N:N) for the Case entity and verified the related entities all have at least User read permissions. I even created spread sheet to show me which entities I need to update permissions for and which tab they are under on the Security Roles. I verified 48 of the 59 entities with relationships have the read permissions. The other eleven "entities" listed I can't edit permissions via the Security Roles screens.
Entities I can't find/edit: Activity Party, Bulk Delete Failure, Duplicate Record, External Party, Image Descriptor, Owner, Post Regarding, Post Role, Process Stage, Text Analytics Topic and User Entity Instance Data.
Does anyone have any suggestions on fixing this issue if it isn't Security Role Related? Or how to update the permissions for these "entities?"