
I have a list that uses a checkbox itemrenderer. The dataprovider is a collection of people. When I load the data from a file, each list item shows the person's name (last, first -- labelFunction), and the checkbox's selected property shows the person's included property. I.e.,

Smith, Doug - [x] Williams, Bob - [ ] Morris, Anne - [x]

However, each person also has an active property. I want to disable the checkbox for people who are inactive (meaning, "you can't include inactive people"). I have tried several methods to get this to work, including what's suggested here http://forums.adobe.com/thread/416786 to do the same thing in a datagrid. However, none of them work and all the checkboxes are enabled regardless of the person's active status. Here is my basic code:

<mx:List id="peopleIncludedList"
               <mx:CheckBox change="onChange(event)"

                              private function onChange(e:Event):void

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

-- Ian


2 Answers


I'll take a crack at it, but sometimes it is hard to tell without sample data.

First, don't reference the outerDocument in arenderer, and don't use binding, instead listen to the dataChange event

<mx:List id="peopleIncludedList"
               <mx:CheckBox change="onChange(event)" dataChange="onDataChange()">

                              private function onChange(e:Event):void
                                  // not sure what this method is doing
private function onDataChange():void{
 this.selected = isIncluded(data); // whatever your processing is
 if(data.person.active == true){
   this.enabled = true;
 } else {
   this.enabled = false;

Since stackoverflow only notifies me daily of new answers, I wasn't actively looking at this thread, and was more involved on the Adobe boards. Anyway, found a solution. Reference it here http://forums.adobe.com/message/3267367. Thanks everyone for your suggestions and helpfulness!