I have a Azure Traffic Manager over a geo distributed cloud service. I need to lock down my cloud services which are primarily web apis so that they are accessible to only a certain range or IP ADDRESSES. Is there a way to achieve this? Or may be there are ways to restrict IP addresses on cloud services. But with a combination of traffic manager on top of that would that work?Does traffic manager flow the source ip address to the cloud services?
2 Answers
Late to the party but: if you ended up using a whitelist on for example an Azure App Service than you will need to add the addresses of Traffic Manager as well. Otherwise Traffic Manager will not be able to check the health of your App and report it as degraded.
You can find it here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/traffic-manager/traffic-manager-faqs#traffic-manager-endpoint-monitoring
Direct link: https://azuretrafficmanagerdata.blob.core.windows.net/probes/azure/probe-ip-ranges.json