
I've been using Azure to host my Web Apps for a while now and they've had my own wildcard cert attached to various ones with no problem. Recently, however, one of my clients has wanted a certain degree of uptime/performance (not that there have been any problems so far but they are willing to pay for it and who am I to turn down money) so I've set up mirrored sites and am using traffic manager to route between them.

It works like a charm but for one problem: I have a cname pointing a friendly url to the traffic manager address and, if I try to connect via https, it craps out and wants to use its own *.azurewebsites.com cert no matter what I try. So my question is: am I missing something here? How to I use my own custom *.mycompany.com cert in this case?

Or, for that matter, is there a better way of doing what I'm ultimately trying to accomplish here?

Here is my set up:

Endpoint 1: MyWebApp-East (type - Azure Endpoint, ssl installed and proper host info added) Endpoint 2: MyWebApp-West (type - Azure Endpoint, ssl installed and proper host info added)

Traffic Manager: Routing Type - Performance


Oddly enough, I got it to work. I must have had something wrong somewhere. I did a scorched earth approach to it by deleting EVERYTHING (sites, traffic manager, dns entries, etc) and starting over. It works perfectly now!

Seems like you have setup it up correctly. It should do it for you automatically, but is trafficmanager.net listed as a domain name on the Azure web app (along with the custom domain)?Chris Melinn
Yep.Just double checked.Erick

1 Answers


Posted this in the top part but so as not to leave this open, I'll repost the solution I found:

Oddly enough, I got it to work. I must have had something wrong somewhere. I did a scorched earth approach to it by deleting EVERYTHING (sites, traffic manager, dns entries, etc) and starting over. It works perfectly now.

Sometimes to go forwards, you have to destroy everything.