I'd appreciate some help/direction with a problem I'm having. I'm hoping to develop an application which would provide a stream of my desktop content from a .NET program to a Windows 10 UWP (.NETCore) program.
I've created this application as a normal Windows Form by following this logic:
- Bitmap object used to grab desktop.
- BinaryFormatter to serialize the Bitmap.
- TCPClient sends the data over TCP.
- TCPListener receives the data.
- Stream is deserialised using BinaryFormatter.
- Bitmap is presented to a imagebox.
I'd like to recreate the server side of things as a UWP. I've managed to achieve a successful TCP connection using the StreamSocketListener without issue however I don't seem to understand how to replace the BinaryFormatter in UWP. My current approach is to use a DataReader to read in the stream of bytes but I can't seem to grasp the concept to receieveing the full bitmap image so I can reassemble it again. Any tips on this would be appreciated. I've included the Client/Server snippets below:
private void SendDeskTopImageOverTCP()
BinaryFormatter binFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
mainStream = client.GetStream();
// Get Desktop bitmap and send over TCP Stream.
binFormatter.Serialize(mainStream, GetDesktopBitmap());
// What do we do when a connection is made?
private async void OnConnection(StreamSocketListener sender, StreamSocketListenerConnectionReceivedEventArgs args)
// Indicate Connection Received!
Debug.WriteLine("Connection Received!");
// Data Stream Reader
DataReader reader = new DataReader(args.Socket.InputStream);
// Wait until one or more bytes available
reader.InputStreamOptions = InputStreamOptions.Partial;
// Load data from the input stream
await reader.LoadAsync(200);
while (reader.UnconsumedBufferLength > 0)
await reader.LoadAsync(200);
//View byte stream??
My apologies if this is a straight forward problem, I've tried my best to follow the documentation and searched far and wide for similar issue however I've not came across this. So any help would be appreciated.