
I am using a combination of WSO2 Identity Server as key server and API Manager for API authorisation against roles. My requirement is to provide Business users a UI where they can add a user, role and that should reflect in the WSO2. I am using the default user store. How can I programmatically do this? Is there a REST service which I can use?


2 Answers


You can do user management functionalities programmatically using the User Management APIs exposed as SOAP services. These APIs allow you to manage user, user roles and claims etc.

If you cannot use the SOAP services you can use the SCIM API which is a REST endpoint to do operations such as create, delete users. However, this has limited capabilities when compared to the User Management SOAP APIs.


You can use identity server's SCIM REST APIs to add users and roles.

Before using this API, you have to enable SCIM in your userstore configurations in user-mgt.xml.

<Property name="SCIMEnabled">true</Property>