
I have been using the combination of WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0 and WSO2 Idenity server 5.2.0 The configurations was based on https://docs.wso2.com/display/CLUSTER44x/Configuring+the+Pre-Packaged+Identity+Server+5.2.0+with+API+Manager+2.0.0

Now for the socket API support , have to upgrade API Manager to 2.1.0.

We are using not much features other than API management in API manager and user storing in Identity server.

Is there a chance to avoid migration in total and set up newwer versions and migrate the API's and users alone . The benefit is the installation will be fresh and will have existing data.


1 Answers


If you need move the existing data to the newer version, then you must follow the migration guide. 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 migration is fairely simple. For IS migration, you can follow "Configuring WSO2 Identity Server as a Key Manager" documentation and setup IS 5.3.0 as the Key Manager. Here make sure to point to existing databases which were used in IS 5.2.