I have been using Zend Framework for a while now. I am having an issue since de beginning an after reading a lot of documentation i was wondering why all exemples dont mention it.
If I am right, the MVC design pattern favorise a single entry point to interract with the application. With Zend its the index.php file in the public folder.
I tried to use this way with the default (v 1.09) .htaccess that Zend provides :
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]
and the default index.php file :
// Define path to application directory
|| define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../application'));
// Define application environment
|| define('APPLICATION_ENV', (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') : 'production'));
// Ensure library/ is on include_path
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(
realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library'),
/** Zend_Application */
require_once 'Zend/Application.php';
// Create application, bootstrap, and run
$application = new Zend_Application(
APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'
But so far I have been unable to use the single entry point, I had to duplicate the index file and give it the name of the related controller. This way instead of getting a 500 server error, I was able to get the page to load normally.
So, my question is : What am I getting wrong to get my application to work? Is it the normal way of doing things?
EDIT @ 13h55
I have reconfigured my server to access the zend installation through a virtual host instead of an alias and it seems that that was the error.
I went from an alias looking like :
Alias /elul/ "c:\wamp\www\elul\trunk\elul\public/"
<Directory "c:\wamp\www\elul\trunk\elul\public/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
To a virtual host looking like :
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot "C:\wamp\www\examen_fle\trunk\examen_fle\public"
ServerName examen.elul.local
ErrorLog "logs/your_own-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/your_own-access.log" common
<directory "C:\wamp\www\examen_fle\trunk\examen_fle\public">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride all
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Since it runs locally, i also had to edit the file hosts in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc to add examen.elul.local in the file examen.elul.local
Apache setting set properly? – gnarfmod_rewrite
set up poperly?a2enmod rewrite
to enable it + apache restart. – takeshin