
I have an assignment in which I have to explain some things about the following MIPS Assembly code:

x: .word 4711
y: .word 10
z: .word 0x0A91
e: .word 0

.globl main
lw $2, x
lw $3, y
lw $4, z
add $2, $2, $3
sub $3, $2, $4
sw $3, e
li $2, 10

The first instruction lw $2, x is separated into two instructions when assembled. The instructions are lui $1, 0x00001001 followed by lw $2, 0x00000000($1). I understand that lui moves the hex value 1001 into the upper part of the register and the value stored in $1 at this point is 0x10010000, but I do not understand where the 1001 comes from and what the second instruction means at all. I would really appreacitate any help on the subject.I am using MARS to assemble and run this program.

0x10010000 happens to be the address of x.Jester
Oh, ok then. ThanksMax

1 Answers


MIPS instructions are 32 bits longs, and so are the addresses uses by a program.
This implies that the lw instruction is unable to specify a full 32-bit address as an immediate. Simply put, the instruction lw $t, var is not valid (expect for very few cases).

In fact, its encoding is

lw $t, offset($s)
1000 11ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii

Where the i bits show that only 16 bits are used to specify an address (and that a base register must always be specified, eventually the $zero register can be used).

So the assembler does this trick: whenever you use a lw $t, var it assembles that instruction into two instructions, one that load the upper 16 bits of the address into $at and a lw that use $at as a base register with the lower 16 bits of the address as the offset.

lui $at, ADDR_H            #ADDR_H is ADDR >> 16
lw $t, ADDR_L($at)         #ADDR_L is ADDR & 0xffff

Note that since the lw reads from $at + ADDR_L the final address used is ADDR_H << 16 + ADDR_L = ADDR. As expected.

There is subtlety here, pointed out by Mike Spivey (Many thanks to him), see below

This kind of instructions, that doesn't map directly into the ISA, are called pseudo-instruction. The $at register is reserved for the assembler exactly for implementing them.

In MARS you can disable the pseudo instructions by unchecking Settings > Permits extended (pseudo) instructions and format.
While programming without pseudo-instructions will grow annoying pretty quickly, it is worth doing at least once, to fully understand the MIPS architecture.

Mike Spivey correctly noted that the 16-bit offset immediate is sign-extended before being added to the base register.
This calls for a correction of the value I called ADDR_H in case ADDR_L turns out to be negative when interpreted as a 16-bit two's complement number.
If this turns out to be true, ADDR_H must be incremented.
The general formula for ADDR_H can be corrected to ADDR_H = ADDR >> 16 + ADDR[15] where ADDR[15] denotes the value of bit 15 of ADDR (which is the sign bit of ADDR_L.