new here, and new to assembly.
I am working on my first assignment and it seems simple but i still lack the understanding of MIPS.
My current problem is trying to read the prompts and print the integers. I have to do this with out pseudo instructions (i.e. la, li,...), so I can only use lui, add, addi, sw... Without the pseudo code I am lost because now I have to call the strings by the address, which I am guessing is 0x1001. My other question is how do I move to the next address?
tl;dr...Must be able to compute function val3=$s0-$s1+$s2, where $s0=27, $s1=val1, and $s2=val2 w/o pseudo instructions.
This is just the beginning part of my code and help in English (so I can understand XD) would be appreciated)
.data #variable declaration
val1: .word 0 #0x100100000
val2: .word 0 #0x100100004
val3: .word 0 #0x100100008
prompt1: .asciiz "Mike Rosenfeld" #0x10010000c
prompt2: .asciiz "Enter a number" #0x100100010
prompt3: .asciiz "\n" #0x100100012
.space 15
.globl main
.text #instructions
addi $s0, $zero, 5 #set command to read
#syscall #get value
addi $a0, $v0, 27 #initialize a = 27
addi $v0, $zero, 27 #set command to print
#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DEFINE VARIABLES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
#lw $t0, val1 #input value #1
lui $t0, 0x1001 #store value #1
addi $a0, $zero, 4 #call string prompt 1
addi $v0, $zero, 5
sw $v0, 0($t0)