I'm developing an vsto plugin for microsoft project, and all went well until one day.
The problem is what my schedule is very big, maybe 39k tasks (lines) or more... i use lambda expression to get my tasks and work like this simple follow code:
var lstTasks = Project.Tasks.Cast<MSProject.Task>().Where(w => !w.Summary).ToList();
var lstTasksInesperado = lstTasks.Where(w => w.GetField(App.FieldNameToFieldConstant("Tipo Manutenção")).ToLower().Equals("i")).ToList();
first, i get all my tasks where is not summary and convert to a list. second, i get my tasks where my CUSTOM FIELD (Pwa CustomField) called Tipo Manutencao is equals "i" and is now what my problem started. This second query is very, very slow... like 3 maybe 4 hours. This problem started whitout any explication... but is very persistent.
Obs: I have this problem only in some schedules (mpp), normally when it is in pwa.
Any help is welcome. Thanks.